Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hey one and all!

Ok, I have a LOT of explaining to do about why I havent posted and havent sent out the invites earlier....but I dont think I need to because, isnt it obvious? 18 month old, 5 month old and a 4 year old. wow......
Josh-started school hes taking 20 units plus he works 2-3 times a week all day.
ME!!! because really isnt that why you want to see the blog? :) We'll lets see: My job is quite diversified...I think thats why I love it. I have learned how to make jam! (and wont do it again unless its necessary, but it was yummy!) I'm going to can peaches on monday... (that will probably be my last time doing that too.....) :) I'm picking a theme for food this week. I was inspired by the movie "under the tuscan sun". My theme for this week is italian. We'll see how that goes.
I'm so tempted to move to europe, Just for a few years. how fun would that be "Christmas at ambyr's this year!" Word to that, I'm down. oh yeah, back to the update.
I recently took a little vacate to CALI with Bailey. We pretty much spent most of our time at disneyland and guessed it. the BEACH. "DA BEACH" You know brah. We only stayed for three days. Ok, I didnt have a car so I couldnt just go and visit people, SORRY. :( Next time.
right, update: I've recently picked up on my driving skills since Bailey has started school and dance. Now thats something cool. I wake up in the morning and try to work out, then shower. After showering the kids are usually coming out of their beds and have their lovely needs. So as Im half dressed with hair wet, I'm changing two poo poos then get two bottles while putting on a movie and getting food for Bailey then I try to get dressed and do my hair while keeping the babies entertained. After I'm ready then I do Baileys hair and help her with her chores. By the time all that happens, I get to play house maid and clean up all the messes that have been made! Then I go to the kitchen to eat and feed sydney, then I take the Bailey to school. come home and do the dishes, After that I usually am ready for a nap. HA! in my dreams. I take Bailey to school. I probably should try to work out in the evenings. After the dishes I take the girls outside and sydney LOVES the park! But she has to ride her "Bi" (bike). That girl can ride! She rides like a 4 year old. no exageration. I'll get it on video. I push little taylor tay in the stoller while I follow sydney. We play at the park and hang out with friends. Then I pick up Bailey from school, put Taylor down for a nap, then feed syd for lunch. Bailey will usually go play or Brooke will come over to our house for craft time before she leaves for school. Then I put sydney to bed for nap. TWO BABIES DOWN...seriously this is my day to a "T" serious routine ya? Then I call bailey in for reading time. Then I send her off to a friends house to play or have her do her own thing. FREE TIME...This is the part of my day where I seriously soak in a few moments of pure homebound freedom. awww... this freedom usually lasts for 1-3 hours. But I usually have to clean a few things. Then I do what Ambyr wants. NOBODY messes with me during my free time. NO ONE! Not even my friends. If they knock on the door and I dont answer, they know that I'm basking in my homebound freedom. when the girls wake up its routine again from there we usually go out for an outing at the park or feed ducks or whatever activity they deem worthy, playing games outside etc.. then I get started on dinner, but I still want them to enjoy the weather and be outside to here comes my second workout of the day (only if I feel good enough) I run back and forth chasing sydney, putting a pot of water on, chase syd again and check on bailey, then check on OPRAH if its on. :) all while holding little taylor tay. around 5 is where it becomes hectic. from 5-7 I want to die. lets be honest here. Josh says he can't believe that getting the kids in bed is such an event! LOL. it seriously takes two people. dinner: isnt that an event in itself... I mean dont you love trying to get one child to eat when they HATE every food except candy? and they complain the WHOLE MEAL. "I dont like it, eww... no I wont eat it..Im not going to...When can I have ice cream?" Ohhhh kaayy. And you know how it is with an 18 month old, there throwing their food across the room! Today for instance I just had to go upstairs to get taylor from bed and Sydney threw a glass bowl across the kitchen and broke it. I accidently left her with one! What an idiot I was! Sometimes I just dont think because when Taylor Cries I get brainwashed and have to get her.
That was fun to clean. back to the nightly "event"
Finally after clean up, daipers, bottles, brush teeth, scriptures, prayer, kisses hugs, crying, I just dont feel like updating the freakin blog. :) if we are lucky all kids will be in bed at 8:30. Then josh and I just look at each other exhausted and I just laugh thinking about it.
Can I just say! I love my life. I love my children. I probably would have a harder time if JOsh wasnt so completely hands on with our chilren. Today I took an hour and a half nap then went to womens conference. I had a splendid evening with my fellow sista's in Zion. :)
We've had so much fun lately doin our thang. Reading all that makes it sound like I'm fishing for complements. but,really, thats my life in a nutshell, for the most part. minus the errands, doctors appointments, school...yadda yadda yadda. But thats the basics of the day. we dont need to get too far into details. :)
So If you are ever wondering what I'm doing. WONDER NO MORE. Thats my life. and I love it! I've never done something thats more challenging. Its worth the laughter, smiles. My heart goes out to all the single mothers out there. I dont know how they do it all. becuase I dont juggle near as many balls as they do and I'm so pooped by the end of the day. I think that as soon as one becomes a mother that one will be pooped for the rest of her life! Starting from the time she concieves.
wow, if youve read all this, thats soo cool. this is for documentary purposes and for you too.
Thats the update. Everyone here is all decked out for halloween already. Lets avoid it PLEASE. that means its going to be cold soon. The weather has been great here! in the low 80's. but super cold in the morning. when I go work out I freeze and blast the heater. I'm excited for when its summer time again. I love music. I can not work out with out it. (random)
Hey so if you have a great italian recipe pray tell. I would love to make it myself! I love to create. We really can create an infinite amount of things. I mean hello, we are daughters of the most creative being ever!


Jones Family said...

I'm so happy you are alive! Keep working out. You rock. A little peeved about coming to CA and DISNEYLAND and not calling me... I have a pass. I have a car. I totally would have come to hang out with Amba Taylor (I mean Eldridge) Lets face it. I will always be "Courtney Lee" and you will always be "Amba Where's Tony Taylor"

I love you! You amaze me.

Karly said...

You're such a good mom - a great example to me. When I have 3 crazy kids I hope I can be as amazing as you. Will you teach me? I know you weren't fishing for compliments, but there's some anyway. I am so impressed by mothers. When I think my life is hard, I think "wait until you have kids." So I can't complain with just working 9-10 hrs a day, cooking and cleaning every night. That's nothing compared to you moms! Love you! Hope we get to see you soon.